ISHNE Sudden Cardiac Death World Wide Internet SymposiumISHNE Sudden Cardiac Death World Wide Internet Symposium
English  |  Espaņol  |  Português  |  Русский  |  中文

1. 会议名称
大会主席:Douglas P. Zipes,医学博士,美国印第安纳州大学医学院
联合主席:Silvia Priori教授,医学博士,意大利Pavia大学
主任委员:Sergio Dubner,医学博士,阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯,瑞士医院

 2. 主办方
ISHNE主席:Wojciech Zareba:罗切斯特理工大学博士

3. 会议概述

4. 目标参与者
正如以前的ISHNE组织在线会议一样, 我们期望众多的内科医师和其它的医务工作者参加这次会议。 论坛的网络空间可以为参与者提供线下使用教育资料(幻灯片、文章)的权利,参与者可以在方便的时候使用这些资料。

5. 学习目的

  1. 使得大家了解有关当前心脏性猝死诊治尺度,以便更好的为公共医疗卫生体系服务。
  2. 运用临床、成像、生物技术和放射技术鉴别和判断心脏性猝死的危险因素。
  3. 为心脏病患者研究开发适当的或者最佳的药物。
  4. 对可植入性除颤器有何益处进行培训。

6. 会议背景
由ISHNE组织的国际心衰在线会议,有来自全世界108个国家的11,000个参加者,这足以证明此次会议具有久远的意义。 即将开始的国际心脏猝死在线会议预计有更多的参加者,他们希望能从这一领域的专家身上汲取更多的知识。

7. CME学分,认证和标志
CME由罗切斯特医学院提供。 ISHNE为此次大会的组织者。


8. 大会赞助商

9. 专家团名单

10. 评估反馈和参与者确认
a. 参加者需要在大会网站注册。
b. 大会的评估将包括以下问题

  1. 是否达到本期学习目标 (是/否)
  2. 是否存在商业偏见 (是/否)
  3. 评价:

c. CME学分的参与证明以回答一系列有关本次大会论文的问题并点评论文为基础。 正确回答70%的问题可以通过测试。 教育材料将被划分成10部分获得最多的10分。

As of October 20th, in the CREDITS section, there will be questions uploaded about each lecture presented in this symposium and identified with the name of the faculty. Each question has replies suggested with a correct one.

Each member that is registered in this symposium will be able to answer the number of questions he/she wishes of the lectures either heard or read. Each 5 questions replied correctly, 1 credit will be obtained with a maximum of 10. These questions may be answered until April1st, 2007, and they are automatically submitted to the server of the symposium.

Once the replies are received and analyzed, a certificate is generated with the number of granted credits, which will be sent via e-mail, in .PDF format. All those who request it, should fill in their name and e-mail. Since CME credits are granted by the ACCME from USA, we consider that they should be completed in English, and therefore will not be translated into the other languages.

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The University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

This activity has been planned and implemented in accordate with the Essentials Areas and Policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint sponsorship of the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry and Internacional Society for Holter and Noninvasive Electrocardiology. The University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry is accreditated by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

The University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry designates this educational activity for a maximum of 10.0 AMA PRA Category 1 credits T. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.