ISHNE Sudden Cardiac Death World Wide Internet SymposiumISHNE Sudden Cardiac Death World Wide Internet Symposium
Faculties & Experts
Antzelevitch, Charles Antzelevitch, Charles
  • Executive Director and Director of Research of the Masonic Medical Research
  • Laboratory (MMRL)
  • Professor of Pharmacology at the Upstate Medical University in Syracuse
  • Chair in Experimental Cardiology (Gordon K. Moe Scholar) at the MMRL
Conflict of Interest Statement:
Regarding the COI, I will not advertise any commercial product in responsesduring the symposium.

Speaker has declared no conflicts
Bakalov, Sergei Bakalov, Sergei
  • Department of Arrhythmias, Institute of Cardiology of Moscow
Conflict of Interest Statement:
I will follow standard conflict-of-interest guidelines and not advertise any commercial product in my responses during the Symposium.

Speaker has declared no conflicts
Bayes de Luna, Antonio Bayes de Luna, Antonio
  • Former President. International Society and Federation of Cardiology, now named World Heart Federation (WHF)
  • Founder and Editor Revista Latina de Cardiologia
  • Chairman Institut Català de Cardiologia – Hospital Sant Pau.
Conflict of Interest Statement:
I will follow standard conflict-of-interest guidelines and not advertise any commercial product in my responses during the Symposium.

Speaker has declared no conflicts
Belhassen, Bernard Belhassen, Bernard
  • Director, Cardiac Electrophysiology Laboratory Tel-Aviv Medical Center
Bigger, Thomas Bigger, Thomas
  • Professor of Medicine and Medical Director of the Clinical Trials Network at Columbia University
  • Principal investigator of the CAST Trial
  • Principal investigator of the CABG Patch Trial
Conflict of Interest Statement:
I will follow standard conflict-of-interest guidelines and not advertise any commercial product in my responses during the Symposium.

Speaker has declared no conflicts
Borggrefe, Martin Borggrefe, Martin
  • Director of the I. Medizinische Klinik (Department of Cardiology, Angiology and Pneumology) I. Medizinische Klinik, Kardiologie / Angiologie / Pneumologie, Theodor-Kutzer-Ufer 1-3, D-68167 Mannheim, Germany
Conflict of Interest Statement:
Procter & Gamble: Advisor.
Synecor: Consultant.
CV Therapeutics: Consultant.
Medtronic: Speakers bureau.
St. Jude Medical: Speakers bureau.
Brembilla-Perrot, Béatrice Brembilla-Perrot, Béatrice
  • Cardiologist and responsible for electrophysiology in the department of cardiology of universitat hospital of Brabois in Nancy (France)
  • Past secretary of French group of electrophysiology on French Society of Cardiology
Conflict of Interest Statement:
I will follow standard conflict-of-interest guidelines and not advertise any commercial product in my responses during the Symposium.

Speaker has declared no conflicts
Brugada, Josep Brugada, Josep
  • Director of the Arrhythmia Unit and Electrophysiology Laboratory, St. Jordi Cardiovascular Center.
  • Senior Specialist, Cardiovascular Institute, Hospital Clínic, Barcelona, Spain
  • Chairman of the Thorax Institute, Hospital Clínic, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Chief of the Cardiology Department. Hospital Clínic of Barcelona, Spain.
  • Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Barcelona.
  • Director of the Pediatric Arrhythmia Unit, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu of Barcelona.
Conflict of Interest Statement:
I will follow standard conflict-of-interest guidelines and not advertise any commercial product in my responses during the Symposium.

Speaker has declared no conflicts
Brugada, Pedro Brugada, Pedro
  • Director of the Electrophsyiology Department of Cardiovascular Teaching and Research Institute, Aalst, Belgium
  • Professor of Cardiology at the University of Limburg, Maas­tricht, The Netherlands
Conflict of Interest Statement:
I will follow standard conflict-of-interest guidelines and not advertise any commercial product in my responses during the Symposium.

Speaker has declared no conflicts
Brugada, Ramón Brugada, Ramón
  • Associate Professor of Medicine. Canadian Research Chair Genetics of Arrhythmias University of Montreal
  • Director Clinical Cardiovascular Genetics Center Montreal Heart Institute
Conflict of Interest Statement:
I will follow standard conflict-of-interest guidelines and not advertise any commercial product in my responses during the Symposium.

Speaker has declared no conflicts
Buxton, Alfred Buxton, Alfred
  • Professor of Medicine, Brown Medical School
  • Director, Cardiology Division, Rhode Island and Miriam Hospitals
  • Director, Arrhythmia Services Lifespan Academic Medical Center, Cardiovascular Division, Rhode Island Hospital
Conflict of Interest Statement:
Dr. Alfred Buxton is consultant to Medtronic, and receives grant funding from Medtronic, St. Jude, and Guidant.
Cannom, David S. Cannom, David S.
  • Medical Director of Cardiology Good Samaritan Hospital
  • Clinical Professor of Medicine UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles
  • Member, Board of Directors, Cardiac Arrhythmias: Research & Education Foundation (CARE)
  • President of the Heart Rhythm Foundation
Conflict of Interest Statement:
I will follow standard conflict-of-interest guidelines and not advertise any commercial product in my responses during the Symposium.

Speaker has declared no conflicts
Chazov, Evgeniy Chazov, Evgeniy
  • General Director of the Cardiological Scientific Complex of Russia
  • 1985 Nobel Peace Prize
Conflict of Interest Statement:
I will follow standard conflict-of-interest guidelines and not advertise any commercial product in my responses during the Symposium.

Speaker has declared no conflicts
Chguprova, Svetlana Chuprova, Svetlana
  • Pediatric Cardiologist, physician of the Dpt. of diagnostic of Arrhythmia of Center for Children Arrhythias of Moscow Institute of Pediatry and Children Surgery
Conflict of Interest Statement:
I will follow standard conflict-of-interest guidelines and not advertise any commercial product in my responses during the Symposium.

Speaker has declared no conflicts
Chugh, Sumeet Chugh, Sumeet
  • Section Head, Clinical Electrophysiology
  • Director, Cardiac Arrhythmia Prevention Center. Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, Oregon, USA
Conflict of Interest Statement:
I will follow standard conflict-of-interest guidelines and not advertise any commercial product in my responses during the Symposium.

Speaker has declared no conflicts
Cui, Changzong Cui, Changzong
  • Professor of Cardiology, Doctoral Supervisor, Research Director, EP and Interventional Cardiology Laboratories, First Teaching Hospital, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
Conflict of Interest Statement:
I will follow standard conflict-of-interest guidelines and not advertise any commercial product in my responses during the Symposium.

Speaker has declared no conflicts
Dubner, Sergio Dubner, Sergio
  • Director Arrhythmias and Electrophysiology Service Clinica y Maternidad Suizo Argentina
  • ISHNE President Elect
  • Former Editor-in-Chief of the Argentine Journal of Cardiology (Revista Argentina de Cardiología)
  • ISHNE Junior Investigator Award, Tokyo, Japan 1996
Conflict of Interest Statement:
I will follow standard conflict-of-interest guidelines and not advertise any commercial product in my responses during the Symposium.

Speaker has declared no conflicts
Ellenbogen, Kenneth Ellenbogen, Kenneth
  • Kontos Professor of Medicine and Vice-Chairman, Division of Cardiology
  • Director, Electrophysiology and Pacemaker Laboratory at the Medical College of Virginia, VCU School of Medicine, Richmond, Virginia
Conflict of Interest Statement:
Dr. Ellenbogen has research grants from Medtronic, Guidant and St. Jude Medical. He is a consultant to ELA-Sorin Biomedical. He has received hononraria from Medtronic, Guidant, St. Jude Medical and ELA-Sorin Biomedical.
I will follow standard conflict of interest guidelines and not advertise any commercial product.

Speaker has declared no conflicts
El-Sherif, Nabil El-Sherif, Nabil
  • Professor of Medicine and Physiology and Director of the Cardiology division at the New York harbor VA Healthcare System
Conflict of Interest Statement:
I will follow standard conflict-of-interest guidelines and not advertise any commercial product in my responses during the Symposium.

Speaker has declared no conflicts
Epstein, Andrew Epstein, Andrew
  • Professor of Medicine, Division of Cardiovascular Disease. University of Alabama, Birmingham
  • Chair of the ACC/AHA/NASPE Guideline Committee for the implantation of cardiac pacemakers and antiarrhythmic devices
Conflict of Interest Statement:
Research Grants:
Biotronik - EP Technologies/Boston Scientific - Guidant Corporation - Medtronic - St. Jude Medical
Speaker’s Bureau/Honoraria:
Guidant Corporation - Medtronic - Reliant Pharmaceuticals - St. Jude
Medical Advisor Relationships:
Guidant Corporation - Reliant Pharmaceuticals - St. Jude Medical
Fontaine, Guy Fontaine, Guy
  • Research Director, Institut de Cardiologie, Unité de Rythmologie Hôpital de la Salpêtrière FRANCE
Conflict of Interest Statement:
I will follow standard conflict-of-interest guidelines and not advertise any commercial product in my responses during the Symposium.

Speaker has declared no conflicts
Gao, Runlin Gao, Runlin
  • President of Chinese Society of Cardiology
  • Editor-in-chief of Chinese Journal of Cardiology
  • Faculty of Chinese Academy of Engineering
Conflict of Interest Statement:
I will follow standard conflict-of-interest guidelines and not advertise any commercial product in my responses during the Symposium.

Speaker has declared no conflicts
Golicin, Sergei Golicin, Sergei
  • Professor, Chief of the Department of Arrhythmias, Institute of Cardiology of Moscow
Conflict of Interest Statement:
I will follow standard conflict-of-interest guidelines and not advertise any commercial product in my responses during the Symposium.

Speaker has declared no conflicts
Guerchicoff, Alejandra Guerchicoff, Alejandra
  • Director of Genetic Testing Diagnostic certify by the New York Department of Health
  • Masonic Medical Research Laboratory, Utica, New York. USA
  • Team leader and Research Scientist I of the Molecular Biology Program
  • Genetic basic and molecular mechanisms of heart rhythm disorders
Conflict of Interest Statement:
Regarding the COI, I will not advertise any commercial product in responsesduring the symposium.

Speaker has declared no conflicts
Hammill, Stephen Hammill, Stephen
  • Professor of Medicine at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
  • Recent Past President of the Heart Rhythm Society
Conflict of Interest Statement:
I will follow standard conflict-of-interest guidelines and not advertise any commercial product in my responses during the Symposium.

Speaker has declared no conflicts
Hiraoka, Masayasu Hiraoka, Masayasu
  • Professor Emeritus, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
  • Commisioner Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan, Labor Insurance Appeal Committee
Conflict of Interest Statement:
I do not have any conflict of interest as to our presentation and ist content.

Speaker has declared no conflicts
Hu, Dayi Hu, Dayi
  • Director of Cardiology and President of the Institute of cardiovascular Diseases in People's Hospital, Peking University
  • Director of Heart Center, Beijing Tongren Hospital, Capital University of Medical Sciences
  • President of Shanghai Tongji Medical College of Tongji University
  • President of Chinese Heart Rhythm Society
  • Elected President, Chinese Society of Cardiology
Conflict of Interest Statement:
I will follow standard conflict-of-interest guidelines and not advertise any commercial product in my responses during the Symposium.

Speaker has declared no conflicts
Iabluchanski, Mykola Iabluchanski, Mykola
  • Chairman and Professor of Internal Diseases Dept. of Kharkiv Karazin National University, Ukraine
  • Health Ministry Minister Advisor (1999)
  • Editor-in-chief of international newspaper Medicus Amicus
  • Editor-in-chief of scientific-popular journal Doctor Life
Conflict of Interest Statement:
I will follow standard conflict-of-interest guidelines and not advertise any commercial product in my responses during the Symposium.

Speaker has declared no conflicts
Kadish, Alan Kadish, Alan
  • Professor of Medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
  • Senior Associate Chief of the Division of Cardiology at Northwestern Memorial Hospital
Conflict of Interest Statement:
Dr Kadish has grant support from St Jude Medical. He has been a consultant for Lifewatch, Inc and Medtronic. He has received honoraria for speaking from Impulse Dynamic and Medtronic.
Komoliatova, Vera Komoliatova, Vera
  • Pediatric Cardiologist, physician of the Dpt. of diagnostic of Arrhythmia of Center for Children Arrhythias of Moscow Institute of Pediatry and Children Surgery
Conflict of Interest Statement:
I will follow standard conflict-of-interest guidelines and not advertise any commercial product in my responses during the Symposium.

Speaker has declared no conflicts
Kyrileva, Tatiana Kyrileva, Tatiana
  • Ph.D. Pediatric Cardiologist, physician of the Consulting department of the Center for Children Arrhythias of Moscow Institute of Pediatry and Children Surgery
Conflict of Interest Statement:
I will follow standard conflict-of-interest guidelines and not advertise any commercial product in my responses during the Symposium.

Speaker has declared no conflicts
Lehmann, Michael Lehmann, Michael
  • Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine, Division of Cardiovascular Disease, University of Michigan School of Medicine
  • Director, Electrocardiography Laboratory, University of Michigan Health System
Conflict of Interest Statement:
I will follow standard conflict-of-interest guidelines and not advertise any commercial product in my responses during the Symposium.

(I assume that my citation [ref #50] of manufacturer's insert information from Pfizer on the web, referent safe clinical use of dofetilide, constitutes responsible guidance referent drug administration as opposed to "advertisement")

Speaker has declared no conflicts
Lombardi, Federico Lombardi, Federico
  • Cardiologia, Dipartimento di Medicina, Chirurgia e Odontoiatria, Osp. San Paolo, University of Milan, Italy
Li, Cuilan Li, Cuilan
  • Chief of Basic Research Lab of the Department of Peking University People's Hospital, Beijing
  • In charge of the National Channelopathy Registry in China
Conflict of Interest Statement:
I will follow standard conflict-of-interest guidelines and not advertise any commercial product in my responses during the Symposium.

Speaker has declared no conflicts
Lu, Yongxin Lu, Yongxin
  • Professor of Cardiology, Institute of Cardiovascular Disease, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science & Technology
  • Vice director of Department of Cardiology Union Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science & Technology
  • Editor Journal of Clinical Cardiology British Medical Journal (Chinese)
Conflict of Interest Statement:
I will follow standard conflict-of-interest guidelines and not advertise any commercial product in my responses during the Symposium.

Speaker has declared no conflicts
Makarov, Leonid Makarov, Leonid
  • Head of the Diagnostic Dpt. of the Center for arrhythmia of Moscow Inst. Pediatry and Children Surgery
  • Professor of the Clinical Functional Diagnostic Chair of Moscow Medical-Stomathology University
  • Elect president Russian Society fo HM
  • Vice President of Russian Association of Pediatric Cardiology
Conflict of Interest Statement:
I will follow standard conflict-of-interest guidelines and not advertise any commercial product in my responses during the Symposium.

Speaker has declared no conflicts
Marcus, Frank Marcus, Frank
  • Professor of Medicine at the University of Arizona College of Medicine
  • Principle investigator of a five year grant by the National Institute of Health for a multidisciplinary study of right ventricular dysplasia/cardiomyopathy
Conflict of Interest Statement:
I will follow standard conflict-of-interest guidelines and not advertise any commercial product in my responses during the Symposium.

Speaker has declared no conflicts
Moss, Arthur Moss, Arthur
  • Professor of Medicine (Cardiology)
  • Director, Heart Research Follow-up Program
  • University of Rochester Medical Center
  • Editor-in-Chief Annals of NonInvasive Electrocardiology
  • Former President of ISHNE
Conflict of Interest Statement:
Company: Guidant Corporation / Relationship: Research Grant Hold no stock or stock options in any device company. Not a member of any corporate advisory group or speakers’ bureau.
Nesterenko, Lada Nesterenko, Lada
  • Department of Arrhythmias, Institute of Cardiology of Moscow
Conflict of Interest Statement:
I will follow standard conflict-of-interest guidelines and not advertise any commercial product in my responses during the Symposium.

Speaker has declared no conflicts
Nishizaki, Mitsuhiro Nishizaki, Mitsuhiro
  • Director, Department of Cardiology and Department of Internal Medicine Yokohama Minami Kyosai Hospital, Yokohama
  • Clinical Professor of Medicine, School of Medicine, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo
Ornato, Joseph Ornato, Joseph
  • Professor and Chairman of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center/Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia
  • Medical Director of the Richmond Ambulance Authority, the Prehospital Paramedic System serving the City of Richmond, Virginia
Conflict of Interest Statement:
ZOLL Circulation: Science Advisory Board.
National Registry of Myocardial Infarction (NRMI): Advisory Board and Speaker’s Bureau - sponsored by Genentech but run independently.
STRIVE lecture series speaker – sponsored by Bristol-Myers Squibb/Sanofi: Speaker’s bureau.
TROICA trial (study funded by Boehringer Ingelheim): Chairman, DSMB.
Pollevick, Guido Pollevick, Guido Daniel
  • Director Molecular Genetics Program
  • Masonic Medical Research Laboratory, Utica, New York. USA
  • New molecular pathways involved in cardiac diseases
  • Drug molecular targets
Conflict of Interest Statement:
Regarding the COI, I will not advertise any commercial product in responsesduring the symposium.

Speaker has declared no conflicts
Priori, Silvia Priori, Silvia
  • President of the European Heart Rhythm Associatio of the European Society of Cardiology
  • Adjunct Professor of Pharmacology SUNY Upstate Medical University Syracuse NY
  • Chairman Committee for Practice Guideline of the European Society of Cardiology
  • Associate Professor of Cardiology, University of Pavia, Italia
  • Director Molecular Cardiology and Electrophysiology Laboratories, IRCCS Fondazione Salvatore Maugeri, Pavia, Italy
Conflict of Interest Statement:
I will follow standard conflict-of-interest guidelines and not advertise any commercial product in my responses during the Symposium.

Speaker has declared no conflicts
Pu, Jielin Pu, Jielin
  • Director of Research Center for Pathology and Physiology
  • Co-Director of Cardiac Arrhythmia Center, Fu Wai Cardiovascular Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College
  • Secretary of Chinese Pacing and Electrophysiology Society
Conflict of Interest Statement:
Regarding the COI, I will not advertise any commercial product in responsesduring the symposium.

Speaker has declared no conflicts
Sarkozy, Andrea Sarkozy, Andrea
  • Specialised in the field of electrophysiology at the St Michael’s Hospital, University of Toronto, Canada
  • Clinical research fellow at the Electrophsyiology Department of Cardiovascular Teaching and Research Institute, Aalst, Belgium
Conflict of Interest Statement:
I will follow standard conflict-of-interest guidelines and not advertise any commercial product in my responses during the Symposium.

Speaker has declared no conflicts
Schapachnik, Edgardo Schapachnik, Edgardo
  • Chief of the Chagas Disease Section, Cardiology Division, Dr. Cosme Argerich Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • General and Scientific Manager AKROS Group
  • General and Scientific Manager LPM Radio
Conflict of Interest Statement:
I will follow standard conflict-of-interest guidelines and not advertise any commercial product in my responses during the Symposium.

Speaker has declared no conflicts
Schwartz, Peter Schwartz, Peter
  • Professor and Chairman of Cardiology, Director of the School for the Board in Cardiology and Chairman of the Blood, Lung and Heart Department at the University of Pavia
  • Chief of the Coronary Care Unit at Policlinico San Matteo IRCCS, Pavia
  • Professor of Physiology and Biophysics at the University of Oklahoma (OK, USA), )
  • Extraordinary Professor in Internal Medicine at the University of Stellenbosch
  • Honorary Professor in Internal Medicine at the University of Capetown, South Africa.
Conflict of Interest Statement:
I will follow standard conflict-of-interest guidelines and not advertise any commercial product in my responses during the Symposium.

Speaker has declared no conflicts
Shimizu, Wataru Shimizu, Wataru
  • Senior Staff, Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine, Co-Director, Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology Laboratory, National Cardiovascular Center, Osaka, Japan
  • Visiting Professor, Second Department of Internal Medicine, Tokyo Medical College, Tokyo, Japan
  • Invited Professor, The Center for Advanced Medical Engineering and Informatics, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan
Conflict of Interest Statement:
Regarding the COI, I will not advertise any commercial product in responsesduring the symposium.

Speaker has declared no conflicts
Spooner, Peter Spooner, Peter
  • Present Associate Professor of Medicine. Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine. The Johns Hopkins University
  • Executive Director Donald W. Reynolds Cardiovascular Clinical Research Center. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Marylan
  • Scientific Advisory Board, European Cardiac Arrhythmia Society
Conflict of Interest Statement:
I have no financial conflicts of interest and am a full time employee of Johns Hopkins University.

Speaker has declared no conflicts
Towbin, Jeffrey Towbin, Jeffrey
  • Texas Children's Hospital Foundation Chair in Pediatric Cardiac Research
  • Professor, Pediatrics (Cardiology), Molecular & Human Genetics, Cardiovascular Sciences
  • Chief, Pediatric Cardiology, Texas Children's Hospital, Baylor College of Medicine
Veenhuyzen, George Veenhuyzen, George
  • Assistant Professor, University of Calgary, Division of Cardiology
Conflict of Interest Statement:
I will follow standard conflict-of-interest guidelines and not advertise any commercial product in my responses during the Symposium.

Speaker has declared no conflicts
Wang, Dongqi Wang, Dongqi
  • Associated professor of Cardiology
  • Director of CathLab
  • First Affiliated Hospital, Medical College of Xi’an Jiaotong University China
Conflict of Interest Statement:
I will follow standard conflict-of-interest guidelines and not advertise any commercial product in my responses during the Symposium.

Speaker has declared no conflicts
Wang, Lexin Wang, Lexin
  • Head, Cardiovascular Research Community of Scholars, Charles Sturt University, Australia
  • Senior Lecturer in Clinical Pharmacology, School of Biomedical Sciences, Charles Sturt University
  • Editor-in-Chief, Internet Journal of Cardiovascular Research
Conflict of Interest Statement:
I will follow standard conflict-of-interest guidelines and not advertise any commercial product in my responses during the Symposium.

Speaker has declared no conflicts
Wellens, Henrick Wellens, Henrick
  • Past President of the Dutch Society of Cardiology
  • Advisor of the Board of Directors of the Scientific Council of the Cardiovascular Research Institute Maastricht (CARIM)
Wyse, George Wyse, George
  • Professor, Departments of Cardiac Sciences/Medicine/Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary
  • Emeritus Professor, Departments of Cardiac Sciences/Medicine/Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary
Conflict of Interest Statement:
Research Site in Multi-center Trial: Cardiome/Astellas - Medtronic .
Scientific Advisory Board: Boerhinger Ingelheim.
Speaker: Cardiome/Astellas - Chugai Pharma - Daiichi Pharma - Eisai Pharma.
Steering Committee or DSMB: - Cardiome/Astellas - Medtronic - Bristol MyersSquibb/Sanofi Aventis - Organon/Sanofi Aventis.
Yan, Gan-Xin Yan, Gan-Xin
  • Director of Basic Research Main Line Health Heart Center
  • Attending Cardiologist and Electrophysiogist Main Line Health Hospitals
  • Associate Professor of Medicine Jefferson Medical College Thomas Jefferson University
Zareba, Wojciech Zareba, Wojciech
  • Associate Professor of Medicine (Cardiology) at the University of Rochester Medical Center Rochester, NY
  • Director of Clinical Research in the Medical Center’s Cardiology Unit
  • Associate Director of the Heart Research Follow Up Program
  • President of the International Society for Holter and Noninvasive Electrocardiology
  • Editor in Chief of Folia Cardiologica
  • Deputy Editor of Annals of Noninvasive Electrocardiology
Conflict of Interest Statement:
Company: Guidant Corporation / Relationship: Research Grant
Zipes, Douglas Zipes, Douglas
  • Distinguished Professor
  • Professor Emeritus of Medicine, Pharmacology, and Toxicology
  • Director Emeritus, Division of Cardiology and the Krannert Institute of Cardiology
  • Editor-in-Chief Heart Rhythm Journal
Conflict of Interest Statement:
Disclosure: Consultant, Grantee Medtronic, Inc.
Anderson, Jeffrey Anderson, Jeffrey
  • Professor of Medicine, University of Utah
  • Associate Chief of Cardiology, Co-Director, Cardiovascular Research LDS Hospital, Intermountain Healthcare
Boveda, Serge Boveda, Serge
  • MD, specialist in cardiovascular diseases, medical and interventional treatment of cardiac arrhythmias.
  • Titular member of the pacing group of the French Society of Cardiology.
  • Coordinator of the European Network for the Treatment of Cardiac Arrhythmias.
Garillo, Raul Garillo, Raul
  • Médico Cardiólogo Universitario
  • University Cardiologist MD
  • Former Professor, School of Medicine, Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Ge, Junbo Ge, Junbo
  • Professor and doctoral supervisor, the Yangtze River Scholars Plan
  • Director, Department of Cardiology, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University,
  • Co-Chairman, Shanghai Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases
  • President, Shanghai Society of Cardiology
  • President, International Chinese Heart Health Network Limited
La Rovere, Maria Teresa La Rovere, Maria Teresa
  • Head of the Laboratory for Autonomic Nervous System Analysis at Fondazione “Salvatore Maugeri”, IRCCS, Pavia (Italy)
  • Teaching Professor at the School of Cardiology, University of Pavia (Italy)
Merino, José Luis Merino, José Luis
  • Director of the Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology Unit at La Paz University Hospital.
  • President of the Working Group on Electrophysiology and Arrhythmia of the Spanish Society of Cardiology
  • Chairman of the Accreditation Committee of the European Heart Rhythm Association
  • Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology (FESC)
  • Member of the editorial board of the Revista Española de Cardiologia
  • Reviewer of Circulation, the Journal of American College of Cardiology, the Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology, and other international journals
Moga, Victor Moga, Victor
  • Asisstent professor in Cardiology at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babeş” Timişoara, Romania
Muratore, Claudio Muratore, Claudio
  • Cardiologist MD
  • Former Director of the Council on Arrhythmias, Argentine Society of Cardiology
  • Chief of the Arrhythmias and Pacemaking Section, "Sagrada Familia" Clinic
Ochotny, Romuald Ochotny, Romuald
  • Professor of medicine, 1st Department of Cardiology Karol Marcinkowski University of Medical Sciences, Poznań, Poland
  • Governor International Society For Holter and Noninvasive Electrocardiology (Poland)
  • Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology
  • European Cardiologist
Packer, Douglas Packer, Douglas
  • Professor in Medicine, Mayo School of Medicine, Heart Rhythm Foundation Treasurer, Heart Rhythm Society Board of Trustees, AF Ablation Task Force, Heart Rhythm Society
Pereira, Luciano Pereira, Luciano
  • Cardiology Specialist (Northeast National University, Republic of Argentina)
  • Echocardiography and Cardiovascular Doppler Specialist (Northeast National University, Republic of Argentina)
  • Professor of Clinic Pharmacology and Medical Clinic (Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud - Universidad Nacional del Este - Republic of Paraguay)
  • Titular Member of the Paraguayan Society of Cardiology
Piombo, Alfredo Cesar Piombo, Alfredo Cesar
  • Chief of the Coronary Unity at the Cosme Argerich Hospital, Buenos Aires
  • Ex-director of the Cardiovascular Emergency Counsel, Argentinean Society of Cardiology
  • Coordinator of Scientific Counsels, Argentinean Society of Cardiology
Stramba-Badiale, Marco Stramba-Badiale, Marco
  • Head of the Stroke Unit of the Istituto Auxologico Italiano of Milan.
  • Adjunct Associate Professor at the School of Cardiology of the University of Pavia.
  • Co-author of the ESC Guidelines on the Management of Cardiovascular Diseases in Diabetes.
Szyszko, Ariel Elias Szyszko, Ariel Elias
  • MD, Specialist on Cardiology, Universidad Nacional Del Nordeste
  • Fellowship in Electrophysiology and Arrhythmias. Service of Arrhythmias, Cosme Argerich Hospital/Argentine Institute of Diagnosis and Treatment
Tanabe, Teruhisa Tanabe, Teruhisa
  • Graduation; Gunma University School of Medicine, Japan.
  • Position; Professor, Department of Cardiology, Tokai University School of Mecicine, Japan.
  • President, Japanese Society for Holter and Noninvasive Electrocardiology.
Vincent, Michael Vincent, Michael
  • Chairman, Department of Internal Medicine, LDS Hospital
  • Professor and Associate Chairman, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Utah School of Medicine
Wang, Qing Wang, Qing
  • Professor (Adjunct) Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences, Cleveland State University
  • Associate Professor of Molecular Medicine Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University
  • Associate Professor of Pathology (Secondary) Case Western Reserve University
  • Director Center for Cardiovascular Genetics, Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, the Cleveland Clinic Foundation
  • Director and Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Adjunct), Center for Human Genome Research, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
Wlodarska, Elzbieta Katarzyna Wlodarska, Elzbieta Katarzyna
  • Responsible for the work of Polish Unit within ARVC/D Collaborative Study in the 5th European Framework Programme
Xia, Yunlong Xia, Yunlong
  • PhD student, Major: Cardiology Lund University, Lund, Sweden.
  • Master of Medicine, Major: Cardiology Dalian Medical University, Dalian, Liaoning Province, P. R. China
Yang, Yanzong Yang, Yanzong
  • Professor and Director, Division of Cardiology, Director, Department of Internal Medicine, and Director, Heart Center. The First Affiliated Hospital, Dalian Medical University, Dalian, China
Zhou, Zhengfeng Zhou, Zhengfeng
  • Assistant Professor of Medicne, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Oregon Health & Science University